Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Beware the True Tree of Knowledge

If you knew what I know you would not be where you are now – you would be standing alongside of me instead of below me. ~ The Elite
One of the major reasons why the great library of Alexandria was destroyed by the Christians, Muslims and other religious leaders was because it gave many that visited the library access – free access to thinking outside of the box that many of those same religious and overly empowered leaders feared would eventually happen.  

Google is now in bed with the GOP and their corporate billionaire supporters, and other search engines abroad are succumbing to big money and politics. These actions and new founded relationships are no different in the gradual burning of a great library of Alexandria. These rich elites plutocratic individuals are hell bent on infusing their dogmas up the masses. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism etc. are not in support of absolute facts observed by founded science. Religious influence has given a planed and chosen few very fruitful livelihoods at the sacrifice of others for millennia, and that insidious con still thrives in a world where the “tree of knowledge (what we all were not supposed to eat from, remember?)” is now at our fingertips as a basic laptop connected to the world wide web. However, it will not be long before Republican/Tea Party legislators, judiciaries and executive grant or pass law to allow the likes of Google, Yahoo, Explorer, and even Mozilla/Firefox to place certain restrictions, its bans and corporate billionaire influences upon these search engines only allowing what is warranted or approved of to be released to the masses as fact or truth as they all see fit. Fascism is just around the corner when it comes to the Republican/Tea Party, and as the majority of leaders of past will continue to use religion to manipulate, control, and dominate those they believe should not eat from the tree of knowledge. 

As I write this – I know that some of you may take offense to the idea of factual knowledge and religion shouldn't have any friction, but in fact, since the beginning of time science and technology has always had a terrible relationship with each other, unless used for punishment, sacrifice, and of course war.  In fact, billions in our existence have been slaughtered and killed because of facts conflicting with fiction.
What I believe is not just a theory or an opinion, millions and soon billions will begin to think further and further from the box thus cultivating facts based on real observations. To dispute the fact that religion is a tool upon the naïve and the ignorant for the profits or societal gains to the free thinkers is simply asinine, or of a few is a voluntary ignorance and/or a willed cognitive dissonance…  Unfortunately, religion as a mass controlling tool has never truly been a main topic in the past nor on any recent cable T.V. show of recent times. However, one “show” on Showtime cable called Living Dangerously is now beginning to peek through the key hole of that a door.  But, thus they’re only skimming the top of the barrel – to not offend their viewers as most networks stray from.  PBS used to be a network that could care less, but was recently bought by the Koch’s, so all we have left is the World Wide Web.
Can we as an intelligent species continue to evolve or rather survive with humans slinging fictional dogmas and improvisational ideologies of fear, hate and lies towards those that eat it up like savage pigs via the likes Fox News, the 700 Club, and alike?  Of course not, and sadly we’ll continue to stay in a dark aged state until we stop being dependent upon a fiction comic book(s), and start believing in each other – you know those amazing creatures that are actually standing before you!

So, who are the pontificator’s that are now more than ever pushing themselves further and further as outcasts upon our planet?  I am more inclined to believe that in these more knowledgeable times those that deny global warming and at the same time believe that god will sort it all out are way off kilter. Actually, they’re borderline insane from a realistic point of view.
This same group that continually denies that man has NOT put a threatening and formidable footprint upon our mother earth and that man is incapable of lessening that footprint are unequivocally that same group of naysayer’s that deny that the middle class, unemployed, the sick/ill, enlisted soldiers & veterans, LGBT’ers, women and minorities are not as important as those corporations, millionaires and billionaires (The 1%) that fund their political campaigns with billions of dollars before every election.
Most pathetically, it is those of the masses that succumb to the will and direction of the richest of the elite that lean on religion as their trump card as their last resort, or when all else is realized as being senseless.   The masses of this planet have no idea that they all are as well the targets of the 1%’s agenda of continued control and domination upon those that look to a book written by ancient men - for men thousands of years ago, when only the chosen few actually were able to read it at the time of its original inception.
It baffles my mind that the masses that actually do have access to observable proof to this very day (the internet) continue to follow along with this guide to ultimate wealth on the backs of the naïve. These con artists, manipulators and corrupt elites are becoming pariahs of this new enlightened (by observable fact) movement.
More and more are realizing for themselves that they and everyone else are not going to the pits of hell or in purgatory forever.  Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny won’t stop bringing us gifts on those special holidays.  We are beginning to wake up and realize that there is no judgment at the end of this wonderful and amazing ride, and we will not be casted out just for thinking as far from the dark aged box as possible.  

If you can relate to my words and it sparks some deeper intellect, then I applaud you for at least allowing yourself to free yourself from sheep’s coat these plutocratic oligarchs have very cunningly manipulated you in to dawning since the day they realized they could direct you with fictional stories based on not a single spec of provable evidence or proof, but just words. Yes, I have words, but I also have absolute proof in every word I display before you; it’s call world history.

In this next mid-term of 2014, we are not taking our country back; we are going to make sure these congressional, judicial and executive lepers no longer can spread their vile sickness of ignorance in public offices abroad in this still very great nation that was founded on the “separation of church and state” for this very reason as our founding fathers had foreseen. For all that I type/present to you now would have meant immediate death in most countries to this very day.  I would have been labeled as an outcast, stoned to death, disemboweled, or at least burnt to a crisp on a post. 
What is becoming more and more relevant and prevalent is that the true outcasts are those that believe they can continue to bend our will, control our minds and use fiction or lies to sway our actions.
If we do not have those that believe in science and technology for the betterment of our species and the planet at their most compassionate and most important purposes, then we must cast or vote them out of republic positions of legislative, judicial and executive power, or we will all continue to be the unknowing.